With the right support, you can achieve your potential. Same day appointments available.
Opening Hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm.
Extended hours for bookings only - no waiting times, talk to one of our staff from 8.00am until late, 7 days a week.
Norma Kitson (Assessment Centre Manager) Iona Kent and South East Assessment Centre
12 Dover Street,
Kent, CT1 3H
Telephone: 07841 872836
Main Centre
Iona Kent and South East Assessment Centre
University of Kent Campus, Canterbury Innovation Centre
University Road
Kent CT2 7FG
London - Greenwich:
Registered Outreach Centre:
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
Old Royal Naval College
Greenwich SE10 9JF
Registered Outreach Centre:
Glasgow Caledonian University London
40 Fashion St
London E1 6PX
* If necessary and appropriate we can arrange an assessment at your home or, with sufficient notice for room booking, on campuses.