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Iona Kase Homepage

Contact Us

12 Dover Street, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3H

Tel: 07841 872836

Students - Disability Funding and Assessment

The Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is available to eligible students in Higher Education to help with extra costs incurred while studying.

Here at Iona, we are committed to helping you throughout your DSA Application. As a student, you may be eligible for additional funding if you have:

  • Autism
  • Hearing needs
  • Mental Health Conditions
  • Mobility Conditions
  • Visual needs
  • Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, ADD

Your disability may not be included in the above; if you are unsure about whether you are eligible, call us in confidence or go to Direct Gov. website

All information is highly confidential and will not be released without your consent

Our role is to help with your application and then compile a report in which the amount and type of support you need are specified. This could include:

  • Specialist Study Skills and Mentor support
  • Hardware and Software
  • Other specialist equipment and learning support
  • Travel Allowance

Study needs assessment fee charged to your funding body by this centre:

You will not be personally charged for this needs assessment. The assessment fee does not affect or lessen the amount of DSA funding awarded to you. The amount is dependent on each student’s individual needs.

Fee: £580.00
VAT: £116.00
Total Fee: £696.00

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Canterbury Innovation Centre